Ride time 5 hours 52 minutes
Average MPH – 9.7MPH
Kathi is just relaxing on the lawn after we climbed one of those hillacious hills! John’s beat but still look like a cool dude!
Our alarm went off this morning at 5:00AM. It is going to be in the mid 90’s with 20 to 30 mph headwinds so we decided we’d better get on the road early. We packed up the B.O.B. and ate a continental breakfast and was on the road by 6:00AM. How lucky we were that there was hardly any traffic at all in downtown Mauston so bicycling through all the road construction wasn’t a problem at all.
Let me tell you the route we took from Mauston to Reedsburg (Hwy K) and then from Reedsburg to Sauk City was absolutely beautiful scenery with rolling hills, fertile farm land, beautiful farms and amazing views every where you looked. Oh I forgot to include that it was in the 90’s before we got done and those beautiful rolling hills were hill-aciously (that’s my new word) steep and one after another. Also with the temperature rising and winds picking up to 25 to 35 mph made for a long 57.2 miles and we were definitely exhausted once we arrived at our hotel in Sauk City. When we arrived at our hotel we found out that it was 91 degrees and it was just 1:15PM. Thank goodness it didn't hit the predicted 98 degrees.
Leaving Mauston at 6:00AM this morning and making it through the road construction in Mauston before the traffic got bad. Life is good!
First steep hill of the day! Cool barn that had been recently painted!
Beautiful scenery all day!
Break time with beautiful views in every direction!
The road goes on and on and on! What an amazing state Wisconsin is!
We went for a swim in the pool at the hotel and then walked down to Dairy Queen for an ice cream cone. Yum yum yum!
My sister and her husband leave today to fly to Budapest and then will be taking a cruise – I was so happy to get to talk with her before she boarded her flight. Sharon have a fantastic trip and I can’t wait to hear all about it once you get home. Love ya!
We are looking forward to seeing all our biking friends tomorrow at MTR – this is going to be a fun weekend!
Take care and enjoy life!
We're looking forward to reading your latest installment. We were driving and saw a bunch of tandem bicyclists in the area yesterday and drove around to see if we happened to see you guys but no such luck! Sarah Herbst